
The idea is that I m going to use it to build graphs for sequence
alignment (at the moment), I read a discussion on the corebio
(reimplementation of biopython) group about using intervals to
represent sequence slices. The idea being that, my graph may contain
millions of alignments and storing the sequence (the actual ATGC) is
not required.

class Node(object):

class Interval(Node):
    _id = "gene1"
     _start = 50
    _end = 200
    _strand = 1

class Sequence(object):
    _sequence = "atgtcgtgagagagagttgtgag................."

So one interval on one sequence would align to another interval from
another sequence, but I want changes I make to the interval to be
reflected in the representation later. If I reverse complement it i
want the interval to store this information but the Sequence only
shows this later on when I call use it calling repr or str.

Do you get what I mean.
Many Thanks


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