
Posting only the piece of code causing the problem will give you more

Ara Kooser wrote:
> Hello all,
>   I hope I am posting this correctly. I am running Python 2.4.2 on
> Slackware 11.0 using IDLE. I am in the process of learning python so I
> am writing a text adventure game using functions and global variables
> only. I know there is a better way to do this but that is for later.
>    When I run the python program it works fine until I try to go west
> from my inital start room. I get the room description but no raw_input
> prompt. I just get dumped back to >>> in the python shell. I think I
> am missing something simple. I pasted in the code below. I am using
> gmail so I hope the formatting stays. If not I can send the .py as an
> attachment if needed. Thanks.
> Ara


Giving the command 'w', you call meadow1()

>         elif prompt_o1 == "w":
>             meadow1()

> def meadow1():
>     print
>     prompt_meadow1

So you end up here, the meadow1() function returns to the
except ValueError:
and ends then as expected.

> def meadow1_desc():
>     prompt_meadow1

Same problem would occur in here.

I guess you want to call this:

> def prompt_meadow1():
>     prompt_m1 = raw_input("Type a command: ").lower()

So write
instead of

(experiment in python shell and you see the difference.
>>> raw_input
<built-in function raw_input>
>>> raw_input()
now python waits for your input

For the player, create a class.

class player(object):

    def __init__(self):
         self.poisoned = False

    def take_poison(self):
         print 'You are poisoned'
         self.poisoned = True
         # effects of poison in here:
         # take some hitpoints
         # maybe reduce some stats
         # and so on...

# now, generate a player instance
p = player() # calls __init__
# poison the player

Juho Schultz


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