> Thank you all who have commented on the licensing issues surrounding
> The Python Papers.

Thanks for patiently discussing it with your community.

>   1) Authors submitting to The Python Papers will be permitted to
> choose from a number of licenses for redistributing their
> work. (note -- their copyright agreement with The Python Papers is
> *separate* from the copyright agreement they choose to attach for
> general use). This will allow authors to choose greater freedoms to
> the re-use of their works if they wish.

>   2) The Python Papers will no longer use the slogin "free as in
> freedom" but will adopt the Creative Commons slogan "some rights
> reserved" in future communications, to the extent possible under
> human fallibility :)

These address my concerns at least, and I wish you the best success
with the future of The Python Papers.

 \        "The World is not dangerous because of those who do harm but |
  `\      because of those who look at it without doing anything."  -- |
_o__)                                                  Albert Einstein |
Ben Finney


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