ronrsr wrote:
> I'm having trouble extracting cgi parameters in my code - this is a web
> application, so I only know the line that's causing the problem.

if exceptions try "import cgitb; cgitb.enable()" to get a traces directly in 
HTML for testing; otherwise read the server log (logs of httpd etc.) for traces

> here's the info I know:
> form = FieldStorage(None, None, [MiniFieldStorage('zid', '17'),
> MiniFieldStorage('keywords', 'aAUA'), MiniFieldStorage('keywords',
> 'aBOS'), MiniFieldStorage('citation', '<i>The Earth Times Monthly</i>,
> April 2002\\r\\n       \\r\\n       \r\n       '),
> MiniFieldStorage('quotation', 'Farm support goes mainly to a relatively
> small number of agri-businesses, many of them large corps. Yet these
> subsidies are 6 times what rich countries provide in foreign aid to a
> developing world that includes 5 billion people.\\r\\n       \r\n
> '), MiniFieldStorage('updatebutton', 'Update')])
> form.has_key("citation") = True
>      fileHandle.write("here aer the haskeys");
>      fileHandle.write( str(form.has_key("citation")))
>     /* returns TRUE */
>      temp = str(form("citation").value)
>          /* python stops here,
>             form("citation appears to be undefined */
>      print (str(form("citation").value))
>   /* this doesn't work, either */

try "form['citation']"

why the Python cgi module and the documentation is a horror, read: <[EMAIL 


>      if form.has_key("keywords"):                                  /*
> neither does this */
>          keywords = str(form["keywords"].value)
>      else:
>           keywords = "k"
> any ideas on what the problem is? 
> thank you so much. 
> -rsr-

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