And dont forget that you can use triple quotes to get rid of all the
quote-escaping you are using:

$ python
>>> """
... <elem attr="hi">
... ho
... </elem>
... """
'\n<elem attr="hi">\nho\n</elem>\n'

Craig wrote:
> John Machin wrote:
> > Craig wrote:
> >
> > > Great.  Got that sorted.  The problem I have now is that some of the
> > > XML data is not copied across to the file when I have the text
> > > information included.  The number of characters that is lost is equal
> > > to the number of characters that is in the block of text I entered
> > > before.  The code I am using is:
> > >
> > > def WriteXMLRecord ( record, XMLFileBaseName, root):
> > > RecordName = SubElement(root, "Log")
> > >     #iterate through all the fields in the record
> > >     for key in record:
> > >         # write the key and its data
> > >         test = SubElement(RecordName, key)
> > >         test.text = str(record[key])
> > >     tree = ElementTree(root)
> > >     tree.write(XMLFileBaseName)
> >
> > I'm guessing, based on reading the docs for the write method, that you
> > should be using the file handle, rather than the file name, if the file
> > is already opened. So (1) change the name of the 2nd arg to
> > XMLFileHandle or somesuch, and in the caller, use outFile (the handle)
> > instead of "record.xml".
> >
> > >
> > > def main():
> > >     outFile = open("record.xml", 'w')
> > >     outFile.write("""<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
> > > <?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"test.xsl\"?>
> > > <!DOCTYPE BobActivityLog SYSTEM \"test.dtd\">\n\n""")
> > >
> > >     root = Element("Log")
> > >     WriteXMLRecord(data1, "record.xml", root)
> > >     WriteXMLRecord(data2, "record.xml", root)
> > >     WriteXMLRecord(data3, "record.xml", root)
> > >     outFile.close()
> > >
> > HTH,
> > John
> Great.  Got it.  Thanks so much for all your help.
> Craig


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