I found the problem.
Actually both pieces of code work now. The problem was that when I run
the SimpleXMLRPCService in a Windows Service, the STDERR needs to be
redirected to a real file. I guess some kind of buffer overflow occurs
when you don't do this.

I added the following lines:

def SvcStop(self):
    sys.stdout = self.stdout
    sys.stderr = self.stderr

def SvcDoRun(self):
    self.stdout = sys.stdout
    self.stderr = sys.stderr
    sys.stdout = file("c:/temp/my.log", "a+", 0)
    sys.stderr = sys.stderr

On11/25/06, Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At Thursday 23/11/2006 06:52, Rudy Schockaert wrote:
> >After some Googling I found a post of someone who wanted to do exactly
> >as what I want to do now.
> >There is however a problem in his code that makes the service fails
> >after the first connection. I slightly modified his code and now I can
> >run the service longer before I run into trouble.
> >I then tried making the SimpleXMLRPCServer multi-threaded, hoping the
> >problem would disappear, but no avail.
> >The code is as follows:
> >The commented part in the while loop is from the original code.
> The original (commented-out) code should be fine. You have to wait
> for 2 events: the service stop signal, or an incoming connection.
> Anyway, you always have to catch exceptions; override handle_error at least.
> Another approach (not involving events) would be to set a (not so
> big) timeout on the socket, and test for self.stop_requested on each 
> iteration.
> >         server = ThreadedSimpleXMLRPCServer(("", 8080))
> >         object = OBJECT()
> >         server.register_instance(object)
> >         self.socket = server.socket
> >
> >         while 1:
> >             #win32file.WSAEventSelect(server,
> >self.hSockEvent,win32file.FD_ACCEPT)
> >             #rc =
> >win32event.WaitForMultipleObjects((self.hWaitStop,self.hSockEvent), 0,
> >win32event.INFINITE)
> >             #if rc == win32event.WAIT_OBJECT_0:
> >             #    break
> >             #else:
> >             #    server.handle_request()
> >             #    win32file.WSAEventSelect(server,self.hSockEvent, 0)
> >             #    #server.serve_forever()  ## Works, but breaks the
> --
> Gabriel Genellina
> Softlab SRL
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