On Nov 30, 3:19 am, "gavino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to learn to program and I can't seem to pick a direction.  A
> java guy I know makes a lot of $, but a lot of reading I have done
> shows lisp smalltalk and haskell to be really nice, as well as of
> course python.  It seems python is 4/5 way to lisp yet has a lot of

This may be a troll, but it's a chance for me to make a good point.  I
love making a point...

If you're serious about learning to program, you're thinking of it the
wrong way.  You need to learn HOW to program, which is independent of
knowing a particular language or environment.  In that sense it doesn't
matter what language you start with.  That said, Python is an excellent
teaching language due to its combination of simplicity and power.

If you're going to be a professional programmer, you should learn as
many different languages as you can.  Each brings its own "mindset" to
programming, and by learning the language you gain skills and concepts
that are applicable even when you're using a different language.


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