On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 16:44:11 +0200, Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
>> * Deployment: I don't generally have enough problems with this to be
>> worth thinking about. I don't know what the state of the remote
>> debugging is on Python; Google "remote debugging Python".
> [I like to avoid interaction with google.]

OK, this, combined with a reputation that didn't quite precede you, but
came close, leads me to say this: I've given you what you're going to get.
You want more, you're going to have to put some effort into it. Lots of

But I can give you this: If you aren't already there, you're a textbook
case of somebody heading for analysis paralysis. It's time to stop
researching and start programming; grab Python, do a couple tutorials, and
start acquiring the skills you're going to need to do these other tasks
you want to do anyhow. 

Barring evidence that you are taking responsibility for yourself, I'm not
inclined to help much more.

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