When I was playing around with adventure games using oop (in c++)
I had all charecters defined as a type, no need to seperate non-player
charecters with user defined charecters.  Makes it easier to create a
party of charecters or monsters.  I left it up to the logic of the
program to define behavior after it was loaded in.


Ara Kooser wrote:
> I am working on a text adventure game for python to get back into
> python programming. My version 0.1 used only functions so I could get
> familiar with how those work. I want to move beyond that. I am not
> sure what would be a good Python way of handling this.  I was
> wondering if classes would help? What things should be included in the
> main program?
> A couple of my goals are:
> 1) Remove the rooms (or areas) from the main program and have them
> called in as needed.
> 2) Remove NPC's and monsters from the main program and have them
> called in as needed.
> 3) A way of keeping track of time passing in the game
> 4) Having the main character info stored somewhere else.
> Below is pasted a section of my code. Each room is a function that is
> later called. I included only one room to keep this short. Thanks you
> for suggestions and your time.
> Code:
> #A sample text adventure game
> #Version 0.1
> #By Ara Kooser
> import random
> import sys
> import string
> #Using global variables for the character
> #Want to use a function instead
> stre = 9
> con = 8
> inte = 11
> agl = 14
> app = 10
> mag = 6
> sz = 9
> hp = 17
> reputation = 0
> stealth = False
> quest1 = False
> quest2 = False
> cruse = False
> poison = False
> diseased = False
> ducats = 50
> lira = 25
> florin = 80
> equipment = {'Sword': 1, 'Dagger': 1, 'Walking staff': 1, 'Leather Armor':1}
> backpack = {'Flint and steel': 1, 'Rations': 7, 'dressing kit': 6,
> 'waterskin': 2}
> belt_pouch = {}
> #####################################################################################
> day = False
> ###   Global variables for items   ###
> #grass blades in meadow_1
> getGrass_m1 = 0
> #mushroom in edge_forest1
> getMushroom_ef1 = 0
> #orc in forest2
> aliveOrc = 0
> #####################################################################################
> # help function that will give you a list of commands
> def help():
>     print "look, examine (object), n, w, e, s, take (item)"
>     print "climb, stealth, fishing, herbalism, forage, haggle"
>     print "field dressing"
>     print "wield (object), attack, flee, close, withdraw, maintain"
>     print "backpack, belt pouch, cs"
>     print "Example: examine book, take ducats, attack orc"
> def character_sheet():
>     print """\
> ============================================================================
> Name:                       Profession:
> Social Class:               Race:
> ============================================================================
> Strength
> Constitution
> Intelligence
> Agility
> Appearance
> Magic
> Size
> ============================================================================
> Ducats:     Lira:       Florin:
> Skills: Forage, Haggle, Stealth, Fishing, Herbalism, Climb, Sword, Staff,
> Dagger, Field Dressing
> Equipment: Backpack, Belt Pouch, Run of the Mill Sword, Dagger, Flint&Steel
> 1 week food, 2 waterskins, walking stick, dressing kit
> ============================================================================
> """
> def start():
>     print '''
>    You are the last person to leave the small village of Hommlet. The wooden
> gate closes behind you and twilight reaches across the land. A dense mist
> creeps up out of the ground, only to be kept at bay by the watchmens torches.
> Somewhere deep in the woods lies the foul orcs you have tracked for several
> days.
>     '''
>     print
> def outside1():
>     global hp
>     global reputation
>     print " Current Hit Points = ",hp
>     print " Current Reputation = ",reputation
>     print '''   You are outside the town gates. The dirt road heads
> (N)orth to another
> town several days away. The forest lies (E)ast and (W)est through the
> meadows. The
> rumors you heard in town describe the orcs as being to the west. The town's 
> gate
> is to the (S)outh but it is locked for the night.
> Type 'help' for a full list of commands.'''
>     print
>     prompt_out1()
> def out1_desc():
>     print '''    The fog is growing denser as the sun sets on the meadows.
>     The exits are (N)orth, (E)ast and (W)est.'''
>     print
>     prompt_out1()
> def prompt_out1():
>     global day
>     prompt_o1 = raw_input("Type a command: ").lower()
>     try:
>         if prompt_o1 == "help":
>             help()
>             print
>             prompt_out1()
>         elif prompt_o1 == "cs":
>             character_sheet()
>             print
>             prompt_out1()
>         elif prompt_o1 == "status":
>             print " Current Hit Points = ",hp
>             print " Current Reputation = ",reputation
>             prompt_out1()
>         elif prompt_o1 == "backpack":
>             print backpack
>             prompt_out1()
>         elif prompt_o1 == "belt pouch":
>             print belt_pouch
>             prompt_out1()
>         elif prompt_o1 == "equipment":
>             print equipment
>             prompt_out1()
> ########################################################################################
>         elif prompt_o1 == "examine fog":
>             print "The fog seems natural enough for this time of year."
>             print
>             prompt_out1()
>         elif prompt_o1 == "examine road":
>             print '''    The road is a well travelled dirt road
> winding many leagues'''
>             print
>             prompt_out1()
>         elif prompt_o1 == "look":
>             out1_desc()
> #######################################################################################
>         elif prompt_o1 == "w":
>             meadow1()
>         elif prompt_o1 == "e":
>             meadow2()
>         elif prompt_o1 == "s":
>             #if day = False
>                 print "The town's gate is closed for the night"
>                 print
>                 prompt_out1()
>             #elif
>             #    town_1
>         elif prompt_o1 == "n":
>             n_road1()
> ######################################################################################
>         elif prompt_o1 == "haggle":
>             print "There is no one to haggle with here."
>             promt_out1()
>         elif prompt_o1 == "stealth":
>             print "You try and be stealthy"
>             prompt_out1()
>         else:
>             print "Please choose another command. That command is invalid"
>             print
>             prompt_out1()
>     except ValueError:
>         print "Please choose another command. That command is invalid"
>         print
>         prompt_out1()
> #there are 5 more rooms that follow using functions
> start()
> outside1()
> --
> Quis hic locus, quae regio, quae mundi plaga. Ubi sum. Sub ortu solis
> an sub cardine glacialis ursae.


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