On Sat, 2 Dec 2006 23:02:06 -0500, Lone Wolf

>I'm trying to get data through my serial port from a CMUcam.
>This gizmo tracks a color and returns a packet of data. The
>packet has nine data points (well, really eight since the first
>point is just a packet header) separated by spaces as follows: M
>xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
>Here is the code I am using (python v24):
>import serial
>ser=serial.Serial('com1',baudrate=115200, bytesize=8,
>parity='N', stopbits=1,xonxoff=0, timeout=1)
>ser.write("PM 1") #This sets the CMUcam to poll mode
>for i in range(0,100,1):
>       ser.write("TC 016 240 100 240 016 240\r\n")
>       reading = ser.read(40)
>       print reading
>       components = reading.split()
>       print components

In my dealing with serial gizmos I have to put a delay between
the request sent to the gizmo and the reading of the serial input
buffer for returned data. Serial ports and gizmos need some time
to do their thing.

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