Thanks for the responses.

The point about 132 columns is good.  Pretty much any printer will
handle that today, though I reserve the right to change my mind about
the utility of 17cpi print after I'm 50. Hopefully, all printers will
be at least 1200dpi by then.  ;-)


Yes, I dislike "\" for continuation, and use the implicit continuation
between parentheses, braces, etc. wherever possible.  I don't mind
breaking up comma separated values like function method arguments, but
I very much dislike breaking at an "=" sign.

(BigLong VariableName
                     = BigLongMethodCallWithALotOfArguments)

Come to think of it, though, I'm working mostly in TurboGears (web
devel framework) which may not represent python code in general all
that well wrt line length.  Lot's of lines that are harder to break up
than in some other environments, perhaps.


I'm finding 100 to be a nice balance.  It forces me not to be lazy and
allow really long lines, but allows me to format so as to make the
meaning most clear.


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