After going back and reading everybody's suggestions, I finally
got a simple, efficient solution. As was pointed out to me in
several posts, I needed to use readline rather than read. That's
obvious to me now ... but isn't everything obvious once you
understand it :)

Anyway, I am posting my code on the (slim) chance that someone
new to python and interested in robotics might find it useful:


# This program reads a serial port hookup up to a CMUcam1.
# It tracks the middle of a green object and provides a
confidence estimate

import serial

ser=serial.Serial('com1',baudrate=115200, bytesize=8,
parity='N', stopbits=1,xonxoff=0, timeout=1)

ser.write("TC 016 240 100 240 016 240\r\n")  #This line orders
the CMUcam to track green

for i in range(0,100,1):
        reading = ser.readline(eol="\r")
        components = reading.split()
        mx = int(components[1])
        my = int(components[2])
        confidence = int(components[8])
        print mx, my, confidence 


This code will read 5-6 frames per second, which should be
plenty for most vision processing applications. 

Once again, I really want to thank those who took the time to
help me. The good news is that I learned something from all my

Happy Hunting


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