rzed wrote this on Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 08:19:28PM -0500.  My reply is

> I ran PythonTidy on a wxPython sample, and found that wx.CONSTANTS 
> were being translated to wx.Constants, which won't do at all.

Find the first line in the PythonTidy code where the following global
variables are declared and change them as follows:

PERSONAL = False  # This eliminates case manipulation.

> The idea of PythonTidy is not bad, but there should be a minimal
> option that essentially reindents and nothing more. ... For example,
> I don't necessarily need a shebang or coding line for my purposes,
> but without going into the code and commenting out lines, I can't
> readily suppress them.

Yes, it's too bad that PythonTidy doesn't have an *.rc file or a *.cfg
file or an *.ini file or an *.xml file or a Registry entry or a Gnome
configuration or its own graphical front end or a gob of command-line
options, but that's just the way it is.

SHEBANG = ''  # This removes the shebang line from the output.
CODING_SPEC = ''  # This removes the coding specification from the output.

> As it stands now, I can't trust PythonTidy to do the right thing on
> unfamiliar code, and I can't readily try out various options by
> simply activating or deactivating them; if I could, it would be much
> more useful to me.

PythonTidy should be run only on code that is already familiar or that
will rapidly become so in the near future.

.. Chuck Rhode, Sheboygan, WI, USA
.. Weather:  http://LacusVeris.com/WX
.. 25° — Wind SSW 20 mph — Sky overcast. Precipitation.

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