
this issue is solved, no help needed.


----- Forwarded by Carl Wolff/IT/NL/Imtech on 06-12-2006 10:51 -----

Carl Wolff/IT/NL/Imtech wrote on 05-12-2006 22:55:20:

> Hello
> question about copy vs deepcopy used in multithreaded context:
> suppose the following program below:
> the original dictionary is modified after the thread is started, the
> thread works on a copied and deepcopied version of the original 
> dictionary. Is the dictionary named "originalcopy" isolated from 
> changes in original in multithreaded context?
> The program reports no errors but I want to be really sure about this
> Thanks
> Carl.
> <snip>
> original = {}
> originalcopy = {}
> originaldeepcopy = {}
> class checker(threading.Thread):
>   def __init__(self):
>     threading.Thread.__init__(self)
>     pass
>   def run(self):
>     while True:
>       for i in originaldeepcopy:
>         if originalcopy[i] == originaldeepcopy[i]:
>           pass
>         else:
>           print "error", originalcopy[i], "Not equal to", 
> i = 0 
> while i<1000:
>   original[i] = i
>   i = i + 1
> originalcopy     = copy.copy(original)
> originaldeepcopy = copy.deepcopy(original)
> test = checker()
> test.start()
> time.sleep(0.5)
> while True: 
>   i = 0
>   while i<1000:
>     original[i] = i*2
>     i = i + 1 

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