I noticed that Python does not understand the codec alias names
latin7 = iso8859-13, latin9 = iso8859-15
(see http://docs.python.org/lib/standard-encodings.html).

Particularly latin9 is pretty popular here in Western Europe since it 
contains the Euro symbol (contrary to latin1).

According to the Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO-8859), the 
latin7 and latin9 aliases seem to be official, at least they are widely 
used an accepted. In PostgreSQL, LATIN9 is even the name of the charset, 
and iso8859-15 is the alias name:

Is there anything speaking against adding these as aliases? If no, I 
would submit a patch. (Also, Python does not support the 
latin10=iso8859-16 charset. I could try to add that as well.)

-- Chris

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