Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> For example, consider an extreme case such as WSGI.
> Through a goal of WSGI being portability it effectively
> ignores practically everything that Apache has to offer.
> Thus although Apache offers support for authentication
> and authorisation, a WSGI user would have to implement
> this functionality themselves or use a third party WSGI
> component that does it for them. Another example is
> Apache's support for enabling compression of content
> returned to a client. The WSGI approach is again to
> duplicate that functionality. Similarly with other Apache
> features such as URL rewriting, proxying, caching etc etc.

Well, almost. I use Auth* directives for authentication (and the
Require directive for authorization) with my CherryPy apps. Many other
CP users use mod_rewrite and mod_proxy. So the WSGI user doesn't *have*
to implement that functionality themselves. Any sufficiently-messianic
framework will probably do so ;), but even the best admit there are
always alternatives.

Robert Brewer
System Architect
Amor Ministries


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