On Thu, Dec 07, 2006 at 12:49:09PM -0800, tobiah wrote:
> I'm having trouble finding information
> about writing a SOAP server.  I get the client
> part.  There is much information about writing
> a client, but not so much about writing the server.
> Are there some good tutorials?
> I'm checking out:
> http://pywebsvcs.sourceforge.net/
> But I'm a little confused.  Do I want ZSI or SOAPY?
You want ZSI.  If you already have a wsdl you then use wsdl2py and
wsdl2dispatch to create your server classes.  The server classes get used
with ZSI.ServiceContainer.  Unfortunately there is not much documentation
about this.  I figured it out by playing with the tests that ship with ZSI.

You might also want to check out ZSI the mailing list/archives which you can
get to from the above link.

> The site says:
> SOAPpy: A second web services toolkit which is getting
> functionally integrated into the ZSI toolkit. In the
> future, the Python Web Services Project will only support
> one merged web services toolkit, under the ZSI name.
> This make me think that I will use ZSI in the future,
> but what about now?   Do I need both now?
You only need ZSI.
> Thanks,
> Toby
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