kai rosenthal wrote:
> Hello,
> with ls -l on windows I get
> -rw-r--r-- 1 500 everyone 320 Nov 09 09:35 myfile
> How can I get on windows with a standard python 2.2 (without windows
> extensions) the information "500" and "everyone" (owner and group)?
> Also I cannot use popen('ls -l').
> With
> import stat
> stat_info = os.lstat(myfile)
> owner = "%-8s" % stat_info.st_uid
> group = "%-8s" % stat_info.st_gid
> I get 0 for owner and group.
> Thanks for your hints, Kai
If you can't use os.popen('ls -l'), can you instead use os.system('ls
-l >C:\\Temp\\result.txt') and then parse result.txt?


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