John Machin wrote:
> Roy Smith wrote:
> > It would be nice if struct.unpack() had a way to specify unpacking repeated
> > items as a list, ie:
> >
> >    data = struct.unpack ("! H 4(B) H 2B 12(B) 6(B) H I", strMessage)
> >    (top,
> >     ip,
> >     messageCounter,
> >     ackRequired,
> >     dataType,
> >     utc,
> >     st,
> >     numberOfLables,
> >     dataWord) = data
> >
> > and you'd end up with ip, utc, and st being lists.
> :-)
> Extension: if you used [] in the format string, the results would be
> tuples.
> :-)

Isn't that the wrong way round? In Python, () enclose tuples and []
enclose lists!


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