> I'm semi-seriously wondering if snake jokes are valid in the Python > community since technically, Python came from Monty Python, not > slithery animals. > > Problem is I don't know that anyone born after Elvis died gets any of > these Monty Python jokes.
I protest...Elvis isn't dead... ;-) Every good geekling has surely been brought up with a staple diet of MP (as well as Hitchhikers, Black Adder, etc)... > Is it kosher to make snake jokes/references even though officially they > don't have anything to do with the name of our favorite language? > (*Everyone* gets snake jokes! :) They may get snake jokes, but all they do is boo and *hiss*. Sorry...that word play was made in cold-blood <accent flavor="bostonian">so I won't boa you with any more</accent> -tkc -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list