Paul Rubin <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Bill Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Lest anyone interpret that list as exhaustive:
> What have you got for concurrency?  How would you write a
> multi-threaded web server in Lisp?

Multithreading is not a standard part of ANSI CL, but in practice all
Lisps (with the major exception of the CLISP implementation) support

Hunchentoot is, in fact, a multi-threaded web server written in Lisp.
:)  There are also others, like AllegroServe and Araneida.

There are compatibility layers that smooth over some of these
implementation-dependent areas of Common Lisp.  Bordeaux-threads is
the package that provides a common interface to the different
threading implementations:

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