Méta-MCI wrote:

> I try to generate PDF from Python 2.5 + ReporLab_lib, and, I have:
>     C:\Python25\reportlab\pdfbase\ttfonts.py:407: DeprecationWarning: struct 
> integer overflow masking is deprecated
>       stm.write(pack(">LLL", checksum, offset, len(data)))
>     C:\Python25\reportlab\pdfbase\ttfonts.py:419: DeprecationWarning: struct 
> integer overflow masking is deprecated
>       stm.write(pack('>L', checksum))
> (note : the same script run Ok with Python 2.4.3)
> One idea?

it's a deprecation warning.  the code runs under Python 2.5, but will 
probably break in future releases.  check with the reportlab folks for 

if you want to turn the messages off, use the filterwarnings function in 
the warnings module (see the docs for details).



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