> So, how would I do that? For Python, that was simple. I learned the > basics, then moved to the libraries, learning as I went.
We've already all agreed that Python has a much larger set of standard libraries than Lisp. You're right; This is an advantage that we all recognize, and would love to have. We've also all agreed (I think) that there's nothing in principle stopping Lisp from having these except popularity, and that there is no good reason for this...except not already having lots of libraries. Unfortunately, this is a bad bug, and we (the lisp community) is hung on it. So if you guys would just fix your language by adding homogeneous syntax and all that it brings with it (macros, compilers, etc) we'd be happy to use your version of Lisp, and all its great libraries, instead of ours! :-) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list