kernel1983 wrote:
> I'm try to build a bundle on OS X, so I write a simple python script
> for a test:
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import EasyDialogs
> EasyDialogs.Message("Hello,Mac!")
> This runs OK,but when I try to replace "Hello,Mac!" with chinese, it
> can't be display rightly.
> Then I tried some way else:
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import EasyDialogs
> EasyDialogs.Message("\xe4\xb8\xad")
> It doesn't work!
> As I know mac is unicode based,how can I display chinese on the screen?
EasyDialogs is an *ancient* module on OS X--it may not support unicode.
Try posting to the MacPython list, someone there can verify this.


Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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