William James schrieb:
> André Thieme wrote:
>> William James schrieb:
>>> def nif num, pos, zero, neg
>>>   send( num>0 ? pos : (num==0 ? zero : neg) )
>>> end
>> btw, your nif body is built out of 13 tokens, so more
>> complicated than the Python version.
>> André
>> --
> def nif num, *args
>   send args[ 1 + (0 <=> num) ]
> end

                   [ ]
                  /   \
                /       \
              /           \
            args           +
                         /  \
                       /     \
                      1      ()
                             / \
                           /     \
                          0      num

Okay, 9. Now it is at the complexity level of the Lisp
and Python example.
But how would a call to nif look like?
I hope it doesn't involve an extra operator to group the
args into a list or tuple. That would add more complexity to
each call - so one should better have a slightly more complex
nif because that exists only one time.

And can this nif now handle any input values, such as strings
or function objects?

The <=> is called cmp in Python.
In Lisp it is called signum. The Lisp function has in general the
advantage that it keeps type information.
While Pythons cmp returns either -1, 0 or 1 the Lisp version can
also return -1.0 and 1.0 and also complex numbers:
(signum #C(10 4))  =>  #C(0.9284767 0.37139067)


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