Rob wrote:
>     try:
>         response = p.readline()
>     except SerialException:
>       print ">>>>>Timed out<<<<<"

>           try:
>               port.writelines(msg)
>           except OSError:
>               print "Serial port failure.  Power cycle units"
>               port.close()
>               sys.exit(1)

> Does anyone have any ideas?

It'd be a good idea to print all exceptions, it can help debugging the
problem (if you don't like it going to the screen of an end user at
least write it to a log file):

except SerialException, err:
    print err
    print ">>>>>Timed out<<<<<"

except OSError, err:
    print err
    print "Serial port failure.  Power cycle units"

and in your OpenPort function too.

  -- Leo


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