vertigo wrote:
> Hello
> I receive such error:
> File "", line 24, in PrintWordCountFloat
>      print "%s %f" % (word,words[word])
> TypeError: list indices must be integers
> i call PrintWordCountFloat with hash table, keys are words(string) and
> values float.
> This part of the code:
> def PrintWordCountFloat(words):
>      number = 0
>      for word in words:
>          print "%s %f" % (word,words[word]) #line 24
>          number = number + 1
>      print "Total words: %d" %(number)
> My function displays whole table correctly, and after that i receive
> mentioned error.
> Why ? Where is the problem  ?

Perhaps you meant something more along the lines of this:

>>> def PrintWordCountFloat(words):
        number = 0
        for index, word in enumerate(words):
                print "%s %f" % (index, word)
                number = number + 1
        print "Total words: %d" %(number)
>>> PrintWordCountFloat(range(10))
0 0.000000
1 1.000000
2 2.000000
3 3.000000
4 4.000000
5 5.000000
6 6.000000
7 7.000000
8 8.000000
9 9.000000
Total words: 10

Or similar; I can't read your mind. Just know that enumerate(iterable)
yields (index, value) for each item in iterable.

> Thanx


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