In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jamie J. Begin

> Let's say I wanted to create an object that simply outputted something
> like this:
>>>> import employees
>>>> person = employee("joe") # Get Joe's employment file
>>>> print employee.Title # What does Joe do?
> Developer
>>>> print person.Address.City # Which city does Joe live in?
> Detroit
>>>> print person.Address.State # Which state?
> Michigan
> To do this would I create nested "Address" class within the "employee"
> class? Would it make more sense to just use "print
> person.Address('City')" instead?

That depends on the usage of the addresses.  If you need them as objects
with "behavior" i.e. methods then you would write an `Address` class.  If
you can live with something more simple than a `dict` as `address`
attribute of `Employee` objects might be enough.

BTW you wouldn't create a nested `Address` *class*, but hold a reference
to an `Address` *object* within the `Employee` *object*.

class Address(object):
    def __init__(self, city, state): = city
        self.state = state

class Employee(object):
    def __init__(self, name, title, address): = name
        self.title = title
        self.address = address

employees = { 'Joe': Employee('Joe',
                              Address('Detroit', 'Michigan')) }

def employee(name):
    return employees[name]

def main():
    person = employee('Joe')
    print person.title
    print person.address.state

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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