Hi Group,

I want to get into writing portable apps that can run solely off a USB
stick, but I have a few problems.

I'm originally a java/.net developer, but I don't want it to be a
requirement that the host computer has .net or a jre installed. I also
am not very fond of developing with VC++ *cry*.

Also done some perl, so I checked out ruby, python, python.... hey
python seems mature enough and has been around quite long. Yea Python.

So, I wonder if its possible to make distributable python apps that run
off a USB stick?

SQLite seems to be a nice candidate for a USB stick database.

wxPython for the GUI, or maybe even make webapp guis with Django?


Checked out movable python, seems pretty nice but I wouldn't be able to
distribute my app with movable python since it seems to require a
separate license. :(

Checked out py2exe but the whole django/sqlite business seems a bit
iffy with py2exe.  Probably wouldn't work and the exe could end up

I'd like to distribute python WITH my app, in a lightweight non-bloated
way, somehow. Don't need a single exe, just a small zip, and one-click
to launch.

Should I be looking at something else than python? TCLKit? StarKIT?

Best regards


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