> This Mathematica shell allows you to edit small programs (like 1-15
> lines of code) as input blocks, and later you can click on them and
> edit them. When you press shift-enter inside a block, that small
> program runs and its output goes just below it (and not at the end of
> the current shell log). All the Input Blocks can be edited and run
> again like that (an Input/Output number tag helps to keep things sorted
> enough). 

Sounds pretty close to what Idle does:

The Idle shell allows you to enter small programs as input blocks, and edit 
them while entering them. Later you can click on them and bring them back 
to the bottom of the input buffer for further editing (so no confusing 
output appearing out of order), and you can always look back at all earlier 
versions of the block. All the Input Blocks can be edited and run again 
like that.

Your point was?

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