On Wed, Dec 20, 2006 at 07:00:38AM -0800, Ant wrote:
> On Dec 20, 5:20 am, Andrew Sackville-West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > > >>> values = ", ".join([escapeAndQuote(f[:-2]) for f in fields])
> Obviously this is the appropriate choice since this is a database app.
> In general the strip() group of string methods do what you want in a
> safe way - assuming you don't care about whitespace:
> >>> s = "   test   \r\n"
> >>> s.strip()
> 'test'


> This way it doesn't matter what your line endings are -  you won't be
> surprised by missing characters if the data dump changes for any
> reason.

well, no great chance of the data dump changing, but its a good


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