Brandon McGinty wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm getting started with pythoncard.
> I'm wondering if there is any way to auto-place the gui elements that I
> use, so that they are all visible, and aligned?
> I would use the "layout/resource" editors, but I'm blind, so I can't see
> where the elements end up, and the controls for moving don't show up as
> usable controls in my screen reader.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks Much,
> Brandon McGinty

The first part to your quesion is easy.   Pythoncard uses a very simple
resource file format (just a plain vanilla Python dictionary) and so
one can simply write a Python that outputs the resource file and
automate the process.

The second part to your question might be harder.  Are you saying the
Pythoncard controls don't show up as usable controls in your screen
reader, or the ones in the resource editor?

If it's the latter, you can simply use the method I described and
automatically create the resource file.

I am very familiar with Pythoncard and don't mind helping if I can but
I don't have any experience with screen reader.


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