Bo Peng ha escrito:

> > I am writing a python extension module that needs to link with a
> > third-party DLL. How can I copy this DLL to the site-packages directory
> > along with my extension modules? It seems that data_files parameter can
> > do this, but I do not know how to get the absolute destination
> > directory. After all, this directory is configurable.
> So nobody has ever done this???

Use the package_data option. setup(..., packages=['yyy'],
package_data={'yyy':['xxx.dll']}, ...)
(Distutils documentation may be arcane sometimes, but this is easily
found at
Absolute dirs are almost never necesary, usually all distutils commands
operate on relative paths (relative to location of for source
files, relative to some meaningful directory for targets).

Gabriel Genellina


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