"Gregory Piñero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 12/23/06, Hendrik van Rooyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > have you looked at putting the data into a persistent dict?
> >
> > - Hendrik
> >
> What is that exactly?
> -Greg

from the docs:

3.17 shelve -- Python object persistence

A ``shelf'' is a persistent, dictionary-like object. The difference with ``dbm''
databases is that the values (not the keys!) in a shelf can be essentially
arbitrary Python objects -- anything that the pickle module can handle. This
includes most class instances, recursive data types, and objects containing lots
of shared sub-objects. The keys are ordinary strings.

open( filename[,flag='c'[,protocol=None[,writeback=False[,binary=None]]]])

Open a persistent dictionary. The filename specified is the base filename for
the underlying database. As a side-effect, an extension may be added to the
filename and more than one file may be created. By default, the underlying
database file is opened for reading and writing. The optional flag parameter has
the same interpretation as the flag parameter of anydbm.open.

hth - Hendrik


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