On Sun, 24 Dec 2006 16:36:31 +0100, Stef Mientki wrote:

> Dustan wrote:
>> Kleine Aap wrote:
>>> Asper Faner wrote:
>>>> I seem to always have hard time understaing how this regular expression
>>>> works, especially how on earth do people bring it up as part of
>>>> computer programming language. Natural language processing seems not
>>>> enough to explain by the way. Why no eliminate it ?
>>> I.M.H.O. anyone that is not capable to grasp the concept of regular
>>> expressions should not attempt to write computer programs at all! My
>>> suggestion to you would be to find a job that involves working with your
>>> hands...
>> Your humble opinion doesn't get much ruder...
>> Perhaps you meant "anyone that is not capable to grasp the concept of
>> regular expressions after some experience with programming should not
>> attempt to write computer programs at all!" Then at least newbies would
>> have a leg to stand on.
>> Otherwise, you're practically cutting off all entrances into the world
>> of programming! The concept of regular expressions isn't exactly the
>> simplest one out there. Just because you understood it immediately
>> (which I'm guessing you did, considering your harsh response), doesn't
>> mean others find the concept that simple.
> I agree, and in addition:
> (large) regular expressions are easy to write,
> but can be almost impossible to read back !
> I once had a program to generate and evaluate regular expressions,
> but can't find it anymore :-(
> If someone has links to regex generators/evaluators,
> I'ld be much obliged.
> cheers.
> Stef Mientki

A good tool to write, test and analyse regexes is the Regulator, available
here http://sourceforge.net/projects/regulator/ 

A good reference site is http://www.regular-expressions.info/, with
tutorials, examples and tools

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