Wow, Steve, thanks, you went to some effort here.
I prefer to give names to the values produced by os.walk -- I think it makes the usage much clearer. However, since I don't use 'dirnames', I use '_' to indicate this:
Actually, I feel silly for not recognising this - I read about the Python3 suggestion for adding a "with" syntax, and the suggestion was rather to use something like
_ = instname _.a = 1 _.b = 2
So I actually have seen this "_" placeholder before :) Sorry bout that.
filenames = [os.path.join(dirpath, filename) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('.') for filename in filenames]
have been clearer for you? Then all you have to do is remember the order of the for-loop execution:
Bizarre as this may sound, it was the '_' that was throwing me off the whole thing (at the 'grok' level I generally read the newsgroup, anyway). For some weird reason, I can read *this* comprehension pretty easily! Does that make sense at all? I figure a little bit of uncertainty along the way probably derails understanding of the whole thing a little bit - and (mental note) I *must* remember this when I explain stuff to people at work, having now experienced it first hand.
Thanks again Caleb