Le lundi 7 Février 2005 21:21, Steven Bethard a écrit :
> Francis Girard wrote:
> > Le lundi 7 Février 2005 20:30, Steven Bethard a écrit :
> >>especially since I avoid lambda usage, and would have to write these as:
> >
> > Why avoid "lambda" usage ? You find them too difficult to read (I mean in
> > general) ?
> Yup, basically a readability thing.  I also tend to find that if I
> actually declare the function, I can often find a way to refactor things
> to make that function useful in more than one place.
> Additionally, 'lambda' is on Guido's regrets list, so I'm avoiding it's
> use in case it gets yanked for Python 3.0.  I think most code can be
> written now without it, and in most cases code so written is clearer.
> Probably worth looking at is a thread I started that went through some
> stdlib uses of lambda and how they could be rewritten:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2004-December/257990.html
> Many were rewritable with def statements, list comprehensions, the
> operator module functions, or unbound or bound methods.
> Steve

I see. I personnaly use them frequently to bind an argument of a function with 
some fixed value. Modifying one of the example in 
I frequently have something like :

SimpleXMLRPCServer.py:  server.register_1arg-place_function(lambda x: x+2, 

If "Guido" don't like lambdas, he would have to give me some way to easily do 
this. Something like (or similar to fit Python syntax) :

SimpleXMLRPCServer.py:  server.register_1arg-place_function(\+2, 'add2')

This would be great.


Francis Girard

     server.register_function(operator.add, 'add')


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