Pyenos wrote:
> Approach 1:
> class Class1:
>         class Class2:
>                 def __init__(self):self.variable="variable"
>                 class Class3:
>                         def method():print Class1().Class2().variable #problem
> Approach 1.1:
> class Class1:
>         class Class2:
>                 def __init__(self):self.variable="variable"
>                 class Class3:
>                         def method():print Class1.Class2.variable #problem

> Approach 2:
> class Class1:
>         class Class2:
>                 variable="variable"
>                 class Class3:
>                         def method():print Class1().Class2().variable #problem
> Approach 2.1:
> class Class1:
>         class Class2:
>                 variable="variable"
>                 class Class3:
>                         def method():print Class1.Class2.variable #problem
> Is there a correct solution in the above? Or, what is the solution?

Your definition of Class3.method() shall have a 'self' argument, then
the above will all be ok.


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