> > Hi,
> >
> > I wish to write a Python wrapper for my C# COM object but am unsure
> > where to start. I have a dll and a tlb file, and I can use this object
> > in C via the following code -
> >
> > // ConsolApp.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
> > //
> > #include "stdafx.h"
> > #include "windows.h"
> > #include "stdio.h"
> > #import "C:\Documents and Settings\X\Mina dokument\Visual Studio
> > 2005\Projects\X_COMObject\X_COMObject\bin\Debug\X_COMObject.tlb"
> > using namespace X_COMObject;
> >
> > int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
> > {
> >     CoInitialize(NULL);
> >
> >     X_COMObject::XCOM_InterfacePtr p(__uuidof(X_COMObject::XCOM_Class));
> >     XCOM_Interface *X_com_ptr ;
> >     X_com_ptr = p ;
> >     X_com_ptr->SetID(10);
> >     int x = X_com_ptr->GetID();
> >     printf("%d",x);
> >     getchar();
> >
> >     return 0;
> > }
> >
> > Can anyone offer me some tips as to how to do this in Python?
> >
> > Thanks very much for your help,
> >
> > Barry.
> This is what I've done so far, but I know I'm not doing this correctly.
> Can anyone help me out?
> #import pythoncom
> #pythoncom.CoInitialize()
> from comtypes.client import GetModule, CreateObject
> module = GetModule("C:\\Documents and Settings\\X\\Mina
> dokument\\Visual Studio
> 2005\\Projects\\X_COMObject\\X_COMObject\\bin\\Debug\\X_COMObject.tlb")
> dir(module)
> interface = module.XCOM_Interface()
> dir(interface)
> interface.SetID()
> #pythoncom.CoUnitialize()
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:/Python25/test.py", line 14, in <module>
>     interface.SetID()
> TypeError: Expected a COM this pointer as first argument

Can anyone help me with this?




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