My app uses a "queue" of commands which are run one at a time. I am
using the subprocess module to execute the commands in the queue.
However, processes always run at the same time. How can I make one
process run at a time, and then execute the next process when the first
has terminated? My code is below:

self.cmdQueue = {}
self.queue(, "ls", "-l")
self.queue(, "echo", "hello, world!")

def consoleLogAddLine(self, text):
        self.consoleLog.scroll_to_mark(self.consoleLogBuffer.get_insert(), 0)

def onGetData(self, fd, cond, *args):
        return True

def queue(self, rootDir, cmd, args = ""):
        count = len(self.cmdQueue) + 1
        self.cmdQueue[count] = [cmd, args, rootDir]

def runQueue(self):
        for i in self.cmdQueue.values():
                self.execute(i[2], i[0], i[1])

def execute(self, rootDir, cmd, args = ""):
        if args == "":
                buildCmd = cmd
                args = args.split(" ")
                buildCmd = [cmd] + args
        self.buildPID = subprocess.Popen(buildCmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
        gobject.io_add_watch(self.buildPID.stdout, gobject.IO_IN,

As you can see, I add the commands "ls -l" and "echo Hello" to the
queue. However, "Hello" is always printed inside the output of "ls -l".
I would like to wait for "ls -l" to terminate and then run "echo
Hello". But, the output must still print to the consoleLogBuffer
line-by-line, and my GUI must not hang during execution.

Is this even possible?


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