robert wrote:
> Ben Sizer wrote:
> > My opinion is that this is not as big a problem as some may feel that
> > it is. Unlike Unix systems, the PATH variable is rarely used.
> It is a big problem.
> It is not less than the majority of Python users (at least those who do 
> things on the command line) who deal with multiple Python versions.

So you think most Python users have more than one version of Python
installed? I disagree - but even if it is true, how come this isn't a
big problem on Unix? Can you name a single distribution that doesn't
install Python to the path?

> This would create funny PATH variables - almost a "psychic behavior with 
> history".

It is quite trivial to see if Python is already on the path, and act
differently based on that.

> Windows is at all less a multi user system. I don't even know a case where 
> two (Python) Programmers use _one_ box and then also want separate Python's - 
> just know home mates (parasites) who occasionally share the web browser or 
> so...

So... that's another reason why there's rarely a problem in setting
that PATH variable.

> Linking also a default python.exe into the system32 upon a (non-default) 
> checkbox mark in the installer should be simple, clear and do everything what 
> 99.9% want - and most "compatible" to *nix.

No, it doesn't : the /scripts directory is also important for many
Python packages and that isn't addressed by shifting python.exe into

Ben Sizer


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