On Saturday 06 January 2007 16:45, Hynek Hanke wrote:
> Hello,
> please, how do I create a pythonic traceback from a python process that
> hangs and is not running in an interpreter that I executed manually
> or it is but doesn't react on CTRL-C etc? I'm trying to debug a server
> implemented in Python, so I need some analog of 'gdb attach' for C.
> Unfortunatelly, googling and reading documentation revealed nothing, so
> please excuse if this question is dumb.
> Thank you,
> Hynek Hanke

        It is possible to redirect stderr to a file so that in case of a crash 
fault the errors will be logged to a file. I think the following code would 
do it.

import sys

log_file = open('errors.log', 'w')
sys.stderr = open('errors.log', 'w')

<your code>


Hope it helps.

- Jonathan

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