Stef Mientki ha escrito:

> class LED (device):
>   pinlist ={
>   # pin    name         type     init-value   other-parameters
>       1: ('Cathode',   _DIG_IN,   [],           _par2),
>       2: ('Anode',     _DIG_OUT,  [],           _par33)
>       }
>   Status = {True:('On'), False:('Off')}
>   def execute (self):
>     old = self.On
>     self.On = (~self.Cathode.Value & self.Anode.Value) > 0
>     if self.On <> old : print self.Name, self.Status[self.On]

I don't know of what type are those values (certainly the're not []
because ~[] won't work). But note that using ~ with apparently logical
values doesn't work as expected. The operators &,|,^,~ are meant to be
used on integers, and work bit by bit. The operators and, or, xor, not
operate on logical, or boolean, values.

py> value = True
py> negvalue = ~value
py> if negvalue: print "oops!"
py> bool(negvalue)

If you want to express the condition "The led is ON when the value of
Anode is > 0 and the value of Cathode is < 0" that would be
self.On = self.Anode.Value>0 and self.Cathode.Value<0

but since I don't know the types of values involved I'm not sure if
this expression is right.

Gabriel Genellina


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