Enteng wrote:
> To those who program in python, what programs do you do?
> Also what community projects are you involved in(OSS probably)?
> Will mastering the language land me a job?
> I'm thinking about learning the language as a hobby. Just curious :)

If you have any programming experience you'll be able to pick up
Python in an afternoon.   It's a very easy language to learn and
you'll be writing useful programs in no time.

Sadly I doubt learning it alone will land you a job (which is why I
forced myself to learn Java C++ and even PHP), but once you do have
that job, there's a 90% chance Python will help you get things done
in that job.  It's just a really fun and useful language with a huge
amount of well written libraries.

Check out www.pythonchallenge.com when you know the basics,  but be
warned it's quite addictive!


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