On 2007-01-11, Laurent Pointal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> prk a écrit :
>> Hi Folks,
>> Is there any procesure for print messages with colors.
> Yes, see:
> http://www.google.fr/search?q=python+print+color
> http://groups.google.fr/groups?as_q=python+print+color&num=100&as_ugroup=comp.lang.python
> See also ANSI escape sequences for the more general subject of
> color printing on terminals.

If you're using Windows NT, 2000, or XP don't bother reading
about ANSI escape sequences. They will not work at all with
Python on those platforms, even if you use the crummy old
COMMAND.COM. I believe it's because Python on those platforms in
a console application, which on NT, 2000 and XP doesn't support
ANSI escape sequences. It makes IPython's appearance less cool. :-(

Try http://effbot.org/downloads/#console for color output that

Neil Cerutti
We're going to be exciting.  Of course, it was exciting when the Titanic went
down. --Bob Weiss

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