"Paul Rubin" <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Paul Rubin <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >     def get_from_queue(queue):
> >        try:
> >           return queue.get(block=False)
> >        except Queue.Empty:
> >           return QUEUE_IS_EMPTY
> Alternatively:
>      def get_from_queue(queue):
>         try:
>            return (queue.get(block=False), True)
>         except Queue.Empty:
>            return (None, False)
> This is maybe a nicer interface (no special sentinel value needed).
> You'd use
>      value, nonempty = get_from_queue(queue)
> if nonempty is true then the item is valid.
Hey, this is even nicer - thanks!

- Hendrik 


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