Gary Herron wrote:
> Lad wrote:
> > How  can I run external program from Python?
> > I use Python with XP
> > Thank you for help
> > LB
> >
> >
> The subprocess module is what you want for this.
> It's got ways of running external executables as separate subprocesses,
> and interacting with the subprocess and both its input and output.
 Gary ,
Thank you for your reply.
I use os.popen3 but it does not work properly for me all the time.

Here is a part of my Python  program
I use an external  program ( here mpeg.exe) for converting sourcefile
into targetfile
mpeg = "mpeg.exe -i %s codec mp3  -s 320x240 %s" % (sourcefile,
stdin, stdout, stderr = os.popen3(mpeg)
mpegresult =
mpegerrors =
stdin.close(); stdout.close(); stderr.close()
print ffmpegerrors
print ffmpegresult

It works  if the sourcefile is small but if it is large( 30MB) it does
NOT work.It hangs or the file is not converted in full.
Any advice how I should change the program?
Thank you.


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