tonydevlin a écrit :
> I am creating a workflow in plone using argouml and archgenxml.  I have been
> following the steps on the site:-
> However I am confused at step 9 in creating the class section, where it
> says:
> "Now, save this file as "ProcessImprovement.zargo".  Pull up a command
> prompt and navigate to that directory.  Make sure that you've added the
> ArchGenXML directory to your env path, and type the following:
> C:\Sandbox\Plone\Tutorial> ProcessImprovement.zargo"
> I have saved the file in the location 
> C:\Documents and Settings\Tony\Desktop\Test\ProcessImprovement.zargo
> However I dont know what to type in the python command prompt!!!

Which *python* command prompt ? The author is talking about a shell, 
here (you know, this strange stuff that looks like good ole time DOS...).


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