Nick Maclaren wrote:
> The problem with it is that it is an unrealistically pessimal model,
> and there are huge classes of algorithm that it can't handle at all;
> anything involving iterative convergence for a start.  It has been
> around for yonks (I first dabbled with it 30+ years ago), and it has
> never reached viability for most real applications.  In 30 years, it
> has got almost nowhere.
> Don't confuse interval methods with interval arithmetic, because you
> don't need the latter for the former, despite the claims that you do.
> |> For people just getting into it, it can be shocking to realize just how
> |> wide the interval can become after some computations.
> Yes.  Even when you can prove (mathematically) that the bounds are
> actually quite tight :-)

I've been experimenting with a fixed-point interval type in python.  I
expect many algorithms would require you to explicitly
round/collapse/whatever-term the interval as they go along, essentially
making it behave like a float.  Do you think it'd suitable for
general-use, assuming you didn't mind the explicit rounding?

Unfortunately I lack a math background, so it's unlikely to progress
past an experiment.


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