Thanks for all the help. I have some projects that i will look into and
see if i can contribute anything


Ben Finney wrote:
> "placid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I'm looking for anyone who is working on a project at the moment that
> > needs help (volunteer).
> The Volunteer Opportunities page is a bit thin at the moment. I'd hope
> people can respond to this thread and update that page with other
> projects that need help.
>     <URL:>
> The Coding Project Ideas page is more specifically focussed on getting
> programmer help.
>     <URL:>
> Browse the Cheese Shop for packages that you'd like to improve, and
> offer your help to the project maintainer.
>     <URL:>
> --
>  \       "A 'No' uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater |
>   `\       than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to |
> _o__)                               avoid trouble."  -- Mahatma Gandhi |
> Ben Finney


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